About Me
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About Me
Hi, i'm a 16 year old dude from a little town in England called Telford. If you haven't realized already i love KITTIE. I did this site because in school i am bored and have nothing to do.

Here are a few question which might tell you a bit more about me.

What is your name?
My name is Paul McIver

Where are you from?
I'm from Telford, Shropshire in the UK

What are your Favourite bands?
My favourite bands are Kittie, Slipknot, Raging Speedhorn, Spineshank and American Head Charge.

What instruments if any do you play?
Well, i am currently learning the lead guitar.

What pushed you into making a web-site?
Well... to be honest in school my ICT class is soo boring, so i had to do something to pass the time. =D

Who is your Idol?
Well... my idol has got to be Marilyn Manson, he goes against anything which become a trend. Rock on Manson

Who would you most like to meet?
hmmmmm..... that's easy, i would really really wanna meet Morgan Lander cos she just ROCKS!!!

Any last comments?
errrrmmmm, listen to Kittie, get aggressive and Rock on people!!!!!!

Pic of Me

Ah well finally a picture of me, shame eh? if u r wanderin why i am swearing at the camera it's because of my dad, i brought him a new camera and he wouldn't stop playin with it, kids!!!