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Welcome To My KITTIE Site
I am Paul, i think KITTIE are the best band out. They are all hot and are better than other bands such as Slipknot and System Of A Down. These bands are good but not as good as KITTIE because KITTIE are so Hot!

**There aree two polls on the guestbook page. One is about the current band, and one is about the former members. And sign the guestbook while your there else i'll eat your brain with a spoon!!!! =D **
Talena Has Left Kittie
If you lot haven't heard Talena has left Kittie, i know it's a shame but now we have a new girl from Spine Jennifer Arroyo. I will trust Morgan's judgement in that she thinks they will be better than ever and i am goin to back Kittie for along as they keep going.
Talena, Morgan And Mercedes
Here are the three girls. From the left their names are Talena, Morgan then Mercedes. All three are the hottest rock chicks out.

New Page
The new page is up, and i also found some time to edit some other stuff too!! I really should get out more. =D lol


The hugely anticipated new album 'Until The End' will be released  at the end of July.

Another good thing,  New Album - New Tour  'YAY' about time too :D 

Talena Live
Look at this hot chick play